| Eastern North Carolina Behavioral Health Services
May 2021

Inside this edition's issue:
History of Mental Health
Awareness Month
Upcoming Events

History of Mental Health Awareness Month
As most of us working in the mental health field know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. However, not as many of us know how this month long effort to reduce stigma and increase education and awareness surrounding mental health and trauma started. It all began in 1949 when Mental Health America, then knownas the National Association for Mental Health, sought to increase the public's knowledge about individuals, families, and communities can be impacted by trauma and the societal Impacts of mental health. Since then, the movement has blossomed and organizations across the United States use the month of May to increase the significance of accurate information and support from the public, as well well as, access to treatment and prevention techniques for those who are impacted by mental illnesses. For more Information onMental Health Awareness Month, please visit
Lehigh Center for Clinical Research. (n.d.). The inspiring history of mental health awareness month. Lehigh Center for Clinical Research.
Company Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Early this year, Dixon Social Interactive Services was delighted to have been chosen as a recipient of the National Network to Innovate for COVID-19 and Adult Vaccine Equity Grant. The goal of this grant is to increase the awareness, availability, access to, and confidence in the COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations in order to reduce vaccine hesitancy rates across the state of North Carolina. DSIS has been working over the past few months to put together two COVID Community Day events in Wilson and Kinston. These events will include a presentation from local health care providers, as well as, a free meal from a local food vendor.
The Wilson event will be held on Friday, May 13th at the Wilsonian Event Center located at 115 Barnes St SW, Wilson, NC.
The Kinston event will be held on Friday, May 27th at the Kinston Community Center located at 2602 W Vernon Ave, Kinston, NC.

Want to learn more? Check us out on social media!